As you can tell by the dearth of posts over the summer, the planting / gardening / harvesting season gets very busy (not to mention all the other stuff I do that isn't the garden and CSA). But it is late January, I'm getting seed catalogues in the mail again so I can pore over them and decide what I want and what I can realistically try this year. It's also kind of neat to have been gardening long enough (for myself and more recently for others) that I can recognize many varieties and know which have done well for me in the past and which ones, well, I'll never order again!

Last year was not the best year for weather, especially for a small farm like mine (ours) that is just starting out. So I learned a whole lot last season, and have some new ideas and plans to make this year more successful. I'm also finding out just how much a difference those "economies of scale" can make - because I have been doing almost everything myself, and often by hand - rototilling, hoeing rows, seeding, weeding, and so on... Good thing I like it! 

I'll wax poetic about the vegetable descriptions in my catalogues next post, and let you know what else is going on, soon. I thought I'd better update this now that it's sort of kind of slower - for now. 

SO, Happy New Year, have fun in the snow, and here's to fresh local food!