So the internet is apparently cooperating with me for now; here are some photos. 
This first is that little starter mini greenhouse set-up I mentioned in an earlier post, you can see the date at the bottom of the photo and compare it with a later photo that's from less than a week ago. 

This is the garden on April 3; doesn't look like a whole lot yet, but... 

The garlic I planted in the fall is sprouting! just like it should. 

This is the "later" photo of the plants from the first one. Planted on the day of the first photo and this is how they look on April 13. I did sort of re-pot the tomatoes, I put them further into the potting mix and added some more of it, as they will root from the stems if they're "underground". And they smell like tomato plants now, which is great! 

I have had to add some more seeds to the peppers, as they didn't all originally sprout, so hopefully there will be more of them to plant in June. 
The garlic is also growing really well, it's several inches high now. And of course, the weeds are growing too - so I will have to get out there this week to do some weeding, some digging, some clearing of the dead vegetation from last year, and hopefully some more photography! The rhubarb is sprouting too.

And on a spring on the farm note - I have seen and / or heard spring peepers, wood frogs, woodcocks, and mallards and wood ducks in the swamp. Yay spring!